Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Background: Though the delinquent children seem to merely die of various causes throughout the film, in fact they have been captured by Wonka’s Oompa-Loompas and subsequently raped while Wonka watched with hand down pants.

Jump to final scene.


GRANDPA JOE (to self)
Wait a sec, those damned freaks have just been raping all the kids, and Charlie’s next!

Grandpa Joe breaks off a candy cane growing in the flower pot nearby, and thrusts it into Charlie’s Chest.

Grandpa Joe, noooo!!! Even if I don’t give the Everlasting Gobstopper to Slugworth, we can still live happily!

I’m doing this for your own good Charlie.

What the hell is going on out there!?! I was saving that handsome boy for myself!

Grandpa Joe rips the candy cane from Charlie’s chest and turns to face the candy-crazed Wonka, staring into his eyes.

The suspense is terrible…I hope it’ll last.

Grandpa Joe lunges at Wonka stabbing him repeatedly in the abdomen. Then he turns around to see what he can only imagine are at least 100 Oompa-Loompas ready to attack.

Oompa-Loompa doo-pity deet, I see a grandpa ready to eat.

The Oompa-Loompas attack. They begin gnawing at Granpa Joe’s legs. One jumps on his shoulders taking him to the ground. Grandpa Joe still holds the remains of the candy cane. He shoves it into his jugular until he loses consciousness. The Oompa-Loompas continue to feast.

WONKA (His dying words)
Everything here is eatable, I mean edible, I mean you can eat everything.

Fade to black

The Beginning

mikec032 : watch fnl last week?
alxo7o7 : no missed it...you watch?
mikec032 : yeah
mikec032 : it was a little uncalled for when landry got all nervous about killing that guy and killed coach taylor's family
alxo7o7 : haha, damn boi!
mikec032 : but i guess with the writer's strike, they needed to wrap up the season faster
alxo7o7 : haha, i guess...
mikec032 : oh, and he raped julie and her mother before killing them
mikec032 : and julie's infant sister
alxo7o7 : haha, wow, what a finale...goodness, i imagine nbc has some fines to pay
mikec032 : i mean, you could tell it was a baby doll, but i was like sensors?
mikec032 : he didn't have to slit the baby's throat, obviously, she was already dead
mikec032 : i think i've taken this as far as it can go
alxo7o7 : yeah, it was good while it lasted though
mikec032 : yeah, where do you go from baby rape, you know?
alxo7o7 : once you rape and kill...and brutalize the remains...of a baby, thats about it
mikec032 : yeah
mikec032 : when i have my tv series, something like that will eventually happen
mikec032 : and it will alienate my entire audience
mikec032 : and i won't care
alxo7o7 : haha
mikec032 : yeah, murder/suicide is always the ultimate ending
alxo7o7 : with/without baby rape...?
mikec032 : not a necessity
mikec032 : it's no murder/suicide
mikec032 : cause pretty much any movie ever made can be made better with a good m/s
alxo7o7 : haha...its a wonderful life?
alxo7o7 : (possible child rape at the end too)
mikec032 : definitely, george bailey comes home, ties up the fam, murders them, yes rape, then suicide
mikec032 : give me another one?
alxo7o7 : mr. smith goes to washington is ripe for it...but thats too easy
mikec032 : all those in favor say die
mikec032 : i think that would end best though with a bomb murder suicide
alxo7o7 : of course the ultimate being slim pickins ultra murder/suicide
mikec032 : that's why strangelove is one of my favorite movies
mikec032 : and return of the jedi
alxo7o7 : haha, yes
alxo7o7 : Casablanca
mikec032 : that's an interesting one, because there are so many possibilities
alxo7o7 : yeah, there really are
mikec032 : i think the best would be paul henreid becoming crazy with jealousy and doing off bogie and bergman
mikec032 : though bergman becoming confused and hysterical would be fun
mikec032 : abducts them onto the plane, shoots henreid, and crashes into rick’s
mikec032 : though that's a little silly, the henreid airport murder suicide is a lot more tight
alxo7o7 : yeah
mikec032 : another one?
alxo7o7 : home alone
mikec032 : hmm...
mikec032 : the daniel stern one would rape kevin, when the family got home they would get killed, eventually the police arrive, pesci shootout with police, and stern goes off somewhere and shoots himself
alxo7o7 : hahahahaha...child rape too, very good
mikec032 : haha, thanks
mikec032 : no sequel, but oh well
mikec032 : oh, the creepy neighbor would help rape kevin
alxo7o7 : haha
alxo7o7 : how does one 'help' rape someone, without actually raping himself?
mikec032 : have you seen pulp fiction?!
alxo7o7 : hahahaha
alxo7o7 : just for the hell of it, do home alone 2
mikec032 : um, ha2 is harder
mikec032 : the toy store man would have to be a child pornographer
alxo7o7 : cause you have to envolve the creepy bird lady, and she's not strong enough to help rape
mikec032 : he would eventually do stuff to kevin, kevin would kill him
mikec032 : and then kill himself
mikec032 : no pesci or stern
alxo7o7 : hahaha
mikec032 : but yeah, with bird lady...
mikec032 : she'd have to have a harold and maude type relationship with kevin
mikec032 : they'd be holding hands when they killed each other
alxo7o7 : haha, very good
mikec032 : man, what a fun game
mikec032 : i'll give you one
mikec032 : hmm...
mikec032 : ok, jurassic park
mikec032 : and remember, these are dinosaurs
alxo7o7 : hammond spirals into depression and kills all the people at the last minute as they try to escape, then kinda just walks up to trex and lets him dig in
mikec032 : haha, nice
alxo7o7 : eh, not really
mikec032 : though i could have used some beastiality (is that the term for human/dinosaur loving?)
alxo7o7 : i think it would be the best word to describe it
mikec032 : haha, even more appropriate
mikec032 : seriously, we should start a website with these things
alxo7o7 : yeah, i agreed
mikec032 : yeah, i'm serious btw
alxo7o7 : ok...seriously
alxo7o7 : as am i
alxo7o7 : i thought of that when you started talking about it
mikec032 : haha, awesome
mikec032 : glad we're on the same page
mikec032 : yeah, i will start working on this tonight
mikec032 : or possibly during work if i get bored and/or can pull it off
mikec032 : hmm, i'll give you another one
mikec032 : titanic
alxo7o7 : jack punches out kate winslet, and takes her spot on the raft...years later when a researcher comes to his house to investigate, his emotions get the best of him and he kills the film crew, then himself
mikec032 : nice, interesting way to go
mikec032 : the ultimate debate of course will be 'realistic' vs funny
mikec032 : the henreid murders vs the crash into rick's debate, if you will
mikec032 : but i think having an actually plausible ending is the funniest of all
alxo7o7 : yeah
mikec032 : yeah, this will be great
mikec032 : how about toy story?
alxo7o7 : hmmm...
alxo7o7 : the dinosaur and piggy bank character have been conspiring to be the boys new best toys after woody and buzz go missing, upon their return, rex and piggy get together and kill them..then when the boy chooses piggy bank, trex kills him, and in a tidal wave of guilt after killing his long time friend and lover, he jumps out the window as the van is backing up, ending his misery
mikec032 : wow, nice
mikec032 : i would throw in some child abuse and possibly anal toy penetration, but that's just me
alxo7o7 : haha...i guess the boy can be raped by the pig, and thats what the trex goes off on (cheating on him with boy’s ass) and kills the piggy bank
mikec032 : give me another one
alxo7o7 : close encounters
alxo7o7 : no, not that....back to the future
mikec032 : hmm, it's been awhile since i've seen both
mikec032 : how about cool runnings (for you)?
alxo7o7 : ummm, yeah its been a while there too..the obvious answer is john candy is so disapointed in them after they lose he kills them all, then himself
alxo7o7 : but i'm sure if i'd see it this decade, id have a better scenario
alxo7o7 : i'm gonna go ahead and email myself this conversation before i leave work
mikec032 : lol, good idea
mikec032 : be thinking of which movies you want to do
mikec032 : schindler's list is an obvious one, but i think we all know how that one has to end
alxo7o7 : schindler kills all the jews, then self?
mikec032 : yes
mikec032 : "these bullets, they could have paid for the more of you"
alxo7o7 : haha
mikec032 : babe will be a fun one too
alxo7o7 : yeah
alxo7o7 : babe will obviously envolve pigfucking
mikec032 : lol, obviously
alxo7o7 : which is just gross
mikec032 : and, of course, the line 'that'll do pig'
alxo7o7 : yep
mikec032 : yeah, babe writes itself
mikec032 : fed up with being raped, he throws the competition, gets killed, talks before being killed, what'shisname hears it and has compassion, kills wife and self
alxo7o7 : hahaha
mikec032 : easiest one yet
alxo7o7 : haha, yep